8 клас. Англійська мова. Тематичне оцінювання за 1 семестр 2024-2025 н.р.. Вчитель ОЛЕНА Козирь

Only pupils of the school and these classes have access to the course.


Lection Lections of (0)
Task Tasks of (5)

Course structure

Part 1. Контрольна робота 1

Read the text and tick the statements True or False.

Lection Lections of (0)
Task Tasks of (1)

Part 2. Контрольна робота 2

Read the text and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.

Lection Lections of (0)
Task Tasks of (1)

Part 3. Контрольна робота 3


Lection Lections of (0)
Task Tasks of (1)

Part 4. Контрольна робота 4


Lection Lections of (0)
Task Tasks of (1)