10 клас. Українська мова

Only pupils of the school and these classes have access to the course.


Lection Lections of (52)
Task Tasks of (10)

Course structure

Part 1. 10 клас. Українська мова. Лексична норма


Lection Lections of (9)
Task Tasks of (2)

Part 2. 10 клас. Українська мова. Практична риторика


Lection Lections of (6)
Task Tasks of (2)

Part 3. 10 клас. Українська мова. Орфоепічна норма


Lection Lections of (6)
Task Tasks of (2)

Part 4. 10 клас. Українська мова. Орфографічна норма


Lection Lections of (19)
Task Tasks of (2)

Part 5. 10 клас. Українська мова. Морфологічна норма. Іменник


Lection Lections of (12)
Task Tasks of (2)